Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cutie Contest Winner!

Ben won the cutie contest!!! I am pretty excited about it even though there was only one other entry! He won a giftcard to Baby Gap! We had our choice between a cloth diaper and the giftcard. Since we have quite a few cloth diapers already and our daycare won't use cloth diapers, we opted for the giftcard. I am hoping we can find a cute outfit for his 6 months pictures that are coming up soon. Time just flies by! I can't believe my baby is a week away from his 6 month birthday! He is getting so big!


  1. I LOVE the new blog look!! And congrats Ben!!

  2. I stole the idea from you! I saw that it had the website on your design, so I checked it out. The site is really cool! I like this look much better too!!! And Ben says thanks! :)

  3. Congrats we won the cutie contest as the 2nd photo. :)
