Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 Month Check-up

Ben had his four month check-up on Thursday, October 15 and it went really well. He weighed 16 pounds, 1 ounce, was 25.5 inches long, and his head was 42 cm. He was in the 90th percentile for height and weight and in the 75th percentile for his head circumference. He is a big boy!!! He had his 4 month shots and did much better this time. He only cried a little bit right after he got them this time and was smiling by the time we left the doctor's office. He is growing up so fast!

I had taken a picture of Ben the day of his appointment, but I haven't taken it off of the camera yet, so here are a few pictures of Ben playing the other day instead. He is definitely teething! Notice the drool all over his shirt and the fact that he chews on anything he can get in his mouth! His favorite thing to chew on his exersaucer is the giraffe but he likes the elephant too! He has now figured out how to move all of the toys and make noise with them. He has a lot of fun playing in his exersaucer and plays in it every day.

1 comment:

  1. In my mind he should still be itty bitty!!! I know he is becoming a big boy...but seriously!! I know, I see Charlotte grow up but for some reason in my head Ben should still be a tiny baby!
