Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So so cute!

Can I just say how absolutely adorable our son is when he is not teething or sick??? Seriously, he cracks me up! Ben and I went to Lexington today to buy some softer crib sheets at Babies R Us. We also got some new bath toys and pants that were on sale. Then, we went to the consignment store and got Ben some pajamas and a couple of onesies because he is now in 12 month sized clothes. I think I have been in denial for a few days but the arms are short on all of his 9 month pjs. Some of his regular 9 month clothes still fit but some are getting too small or too short. This makes me a little sad but I am excited to see him grow and develop! We also went to Critchfield Meats to get Nathan some stuff to make homemade bratwurst. His newest hobby is making homemade sausage. He made Italian sausage the weekend of the Super Bowl and it was good. This will be his second attempt and I am sure it will turn out good too!

Ben is becoming impossible to change...diaper, clothes, anything really. It usually takes both Nathan and I to change him when he has a poopy diaper to avoid him taking off and getting poo everywhere! We just got back from Lexington and changing him involved about 5 minutes of him crawling around diaperless because he kept getting away from me. Now he is running around in his onesie, long sleeved shirt and socks...silly baby. He didn't want his pants back on. He is crawling around playing with his toys strewn about the living room and whispering to himself. It is seriously the cutest thing ever!

I am going to say his first official word is daddy. He has been practicing this a lot and will repeat it for us sometimes when we prompt him. He also says kitty and practices it over and over. So, right now, my adorable child (I say this because he is in a fantastic mood at the moment) is crawling around, playing with toys and whispering daddy and kitty to himself. I never want to forget this moment.

The following pictures of Ben and Leo crack me up! Leo has decided that Ben's toybox seems like a good place to hang out, so he keeps getting in it. This was the first time it happened. It was so funny! Ben was like "Hey, there is a kitty in my toybox! How did that get there? Hey, you guys need to see this." Okay, so obviously he didn't say that but his facial expressions as it was happening said a lot!

These pictures were from January and February 2010.

1 comment:

  1. AWWW!!! He is so so cute! I seriously think him and Charlotte would have a BLAST together! She talks in facial expressions and with whispers sometimes too and it is just so cute.
