Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Job

This photo is from when Brenda and Nathan's Grandma Pat were here visiting recently. I just wanted to include a picture. I will post more from their visit later. So, I really, really need to update this thing more often! I thought I would be better about it than I am. My goal is to put a couple posts up with pictures of Ben by the end of the week or over the weekend.

I started my new job this week. I had orientation yesterday and today. I also have a training tomorrow morning. Since this has happened so quickly, we did not have childcare lined up yet, so Nathan took vacation days and has been at home with Ben. Ben has not been adjusting very well so far. He hasn't wanted to eat from the bottle for Nathan, so he waits until I get home to eat. I'm sure he will adjust soon, but it is stressful nonetheless! I have lined up two babysitters to care for Ben until a spot opens up at the daycare center that is a part of the hospital. I have one girl, who is a stay at home mom of a 1-year-old boy, who is going to watch Ben on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I have another girl, who is a college student, and the sister of our weekend babysitter, who is going to care for him on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ben will meet them this week and will stay with them next week. I begin training next week. I am not sure if I will be working the week of Thanksgiving or not. I hope to find that out tomorrow or very soon. I am excited to start a new job, especially since I will be working flex time, so I will only be filling in when the others need time off. I am officially at social worker at Ephraim McDowell Hospital! I am really excited because my job is right here in town and is like a 5-10 minute drive from home!

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